To Report or Not to Report… That is the Question
July 20, 2023
The Staffing Crisis in ALF Facilities – Hiring the Right People
September 27, 2023Dates: Wednesday, August 30, 2023
Webinar time: 12:00PM – 1:00PM Central Time
1.0 CE for CEU credit for both nurses (AANAC) and administrators (NCERS/NAB)
The transition to the new MDS 3.0 1.18.11 is complex and very interdisciplinary. Unlike other data transitions, this move to a much larger data set with many new coding specifics requires the members of the Interdisciplinary Team to have a broad understanding of the changes and the implications for specific documentation requirements. This interactive program will review the documentation requirements for interdisciplinary communication and specific definitions to meet all new timelines for the assessment and specific regulatory data in the medical record. Case examples of documentation content, problem-solving, and timelines will be discussed.
Objective 1– Identify the expanded role of the Interdisciplinary Team members to complete assessment requirements and documentation to substantiate the MDS 3.0 1.18.11 data set.
Objective 2– Discuss the specific changes to the MDS 3.0 data set content that the IDT must address during the assessment reference periods to meet MDS requirements.
Please share this invitation with other nurses or key department heads who would benefit from this informational presentation.
CLICK HERE » to register. When registering, use code MMP11 to receive proper credit.
CLICK HERE » to download participation instructions.
Call Brenda Brinka at 708-710-3003 or email brenda.b@mmprx.com to learn how MMP can help your community succeed and grow.
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